July 15, 2022
ERMA SRL is an unmatched leader in components for 0,5 up to 6-ton machines. These applications are more and more popular on the European market. ERMA boasts a great variety of parts for devices of the above range: steel chains ETR brand from pitch 90 mm to pitch 101, 135, and 154 mm manufactured by ETR – ERMA TRACK. Moreover, we always have in stock steel shoes, rubber shoes and pads, track rollers and top rollers, front idler and sprockets for all applications. A wide range of rubber chains is always in stock, expecially ETR – ERMA TRACK chains, width from 180 to 900 mm and pitch from 60 to 150 mm. Finally, we have a small but strategical range of OEM rubber chains for main agricultural applications as CASE, CHALLENGER, JOHN DEERE, etc.